All you need to know about Procell Microchanneling

Annie Qaiser
2 min readOct 2, 2021
Procell Microchanneling

How long does ProCell Microchanneling therapy take to heal?

For the first 24 to 48 hours following therapy, your skin will appear pink or red. However, this can be concealed within 90 minutes of treatment with a high-quality mineral makeup.

Is ProCell Micro-Channeling a safe treatment?

When performed by knowledgeable and trained permanent makeup professionals, ProCell Microchanneling therapies are completely safe and have a low risk of side effects.

Who is a good candidate for Microchanneling with ProCell?

If you have the following characteristics, you are an ideal candidate for ProCell Microchanneling:

Wrinkles or fine lines,
Skin texture that is uneven
Skin laxity of a moderate degree
Marks of stretch
Acne scars that are atrophic (depressed)
Damage caused by the sun
Scars caused by trauma

Who is unsuitable for ProCell Microchanneling?

If you have any of the conditions listed below, you are NOT a candidate for micro-channeling.

You suffer from certain skin conditions, such as eczema or psoriasis, or you have cardiac abnormalities.
you are pregnant and you have any type of infection (bacterial, viral or fungal)
You recently received radiation therapy and have open wounds.
You’ve developed keloid scars.
You are immunocompromised and suffer from diabetes, haemophilia, or bleeding disorders.

How much does microchanneling procells cost?

The cost of your micro-channeling treatments will vary depending on the condition of your skin and the condition of the area being treated. The average price per session for face and neck is $300; the cost of other treatments is determined during the consultation.

For more information about permanent makeup, feel free to book an appointment with our experts at Ailis Beauty Lab

